Small to medium sized businesses often struggle to have effective cyber security protocols due to the sheer expenses they bring upon the business. Most of the time, cyber security is not seen as that high of a priority, and a lot of smaller business tend to forgo even the most basic of cyber security protocols. This is where Cyber Guard steps in to fill in the niche of an affordable, but still highly effective cyber security plan. Cyber Guard is an all-in-one Cyber Security package that constantly monitors and analyses all activity coming in and out of your business network. When something suspicious makes itself apparent, Cyber Guard immediately alerts your business IT team of the imminent danger and potential cyber threat.
Why hackers should fear Cyber Guard
As we mentioned before, Cyber Guard constantly monitors and analyses all outgoing and incoming activity on your business network. This surveillance happens 24 hours a day seven days a week. But what happens if a cyber threat pops up when it’s the weekend, or if any of your IT members are away on vacation? In that case, Cyber Guard is able to offer more assistance in the form of a Security Operations Centre (SOC) team. Similar to the Cyber Guard program working 24/7, the SOC team is also always available to assist with any IT issue no matter the time. This team of experienced and well qualified professionals are always on call and can work remotely to mitigate the damage of the cyber threat.
But why is this something that should make hackers fearful? Well, Cyber Guard working at its full potential is not just a cyber threat detection system, but also a team of IT professionals working together to guide and assist your business against any malicious threat. Statistics show that nearly half of small business suffered from some sort of cyber discrepancy in a year, and that’s because hackers usually target them. Small to medium sized businesses often spend little to no money on their cyber security. Hackers know this very well and that’s why these businesses are their main targets. However with Cyber Guard, these businesses have formidable protection against hackers. Hackers would have to expel tenfold of the amount of resources and time to be able to breach through Cyber Guard’s quick detection system and SOC team expertise. Not only will hackers waste their resources trying to break in, but they will also waste their own time and energy resulting in a complete loss from their side.
How does Cyber Guard protect your company from threats?
As cyber threats become more invasive and hackers become more diligent in their hacking, it’s integral for cyber security to also evolve alongside (or optimally stay one step ahead) so that it can effectively combat and protect against threats. This is exactly what Cyber Guard does, gathers information from the data it analyses and increases its cyber intelligence. This means, the more data that is monitored, the more informed Cyber Guard will be and the more likely it will be able to detect a potential threat even from the most sneakiest of hackers. With Cyber Guard’s intelligence data base expanding itself by the day, so does its vigilance and its ability to mitigate cyber threats.
We’ll conclude with the revelation of another shocking statistic which tells us that 60% of small businesses are actually forced to close down after facing a cyber threat, however they also lacked the budget to afford a pricey cyber security plan in the first place. Cyber Guard fills in this gap in the market and helps small businesses stay vigilant and protected against cyber threats without having to break the bank for a decent cyber security plan.