Cyber Guard is an innovative cyber security package that comprises of human expertise and technological cyber security protocols to create an optimal security bundle for your business IT infrastructure. It is the combination of human availability and standardized cyber threat monitoring that makes Cyber Guard such an efficient cyber security system. Additionally, the unique mix of IT professional involvement and regular technological monitoring turns cyber guard into a formidable protection barrier against the most threatening of hackers. Remember, a cyber security threat can strike at any time of the day, and that’s why an around the clock cyber security system like Cyber Guard is an integral component of any company’s IT infrastructure.
Hackers can strike businesses at any given point in time or time of day. Imagine a cyber security breach happening in the middle of the night when all employees are at home, or even when your in-house IT professionals are on vacation. The rest of your employees will have to deal with the breach themselves and may not know the appropriate measures to take in order to mitigate the breach. This is where Cyber Guard’s 24/7 surveillance comes into play. Cyber Guard’s software regularly monitors all incoming and outgoing network activity that takes place in your business. This continual monitoring searches through the incoming and outgoing network traffic and highlights loopholes in the network that are susceptible to carrying potential cyber security threats into the business network. Cyber Guard’s built-in intelligence network is able to identify and expose most threats that may try to sneak into the system and alert the designated IT professionals to the potential discrepancy. Additionally, Cyber Guard can also bring to light any flaws in the current cyber security makeup of the business and express how likely it is for a hacker to be able to break through the compromised entry point.
Besides the 24/7 Cyber Guard system monitoring, there is also a Security Operations Centre (SOC) team that is always on call at any time of the day or night. This remote working SOC team is comprised of cyber security professionals who regularly check and supervise the business’s cyber security protocols and make sure everything is up to date and no discrepancies are shown on the Cyber Guard system. When a potential threat shows up, the SOC team can instantaneously get to work to close other breachable entry points of the network and also do their best to mitigate the damage in case a cyber threat does manage to slip by undetected. Even in the absence of an in-house IT professional, the SOC team can act as a guide to employees and remotely help them with all their IT needs in the business.
In conclusion, it has become a must for businesses to invest a lot in their cyber security protocols due to the intense ramifications that they may face in the unfortunate circumstance of a hacker getting through their defenses. However, Cyber Guard offers companies a quick, affordable, and hassle-free cyber security protection program with 24/7 technological and human SOC team surveillance to catch any hacker that may try to breach your security parameters. Check out our blog ‘What is Cyber Guard - and how can it protect your business?’ to find out more about this innovative security bundle.