You're late... Traffic is crazy... You forgot your sunglasses... There's nowhere to park... We've all been there! The hassle of crowded roads are enough to drive any sane person a little crazy.
Meetings at various locations are a big part of the day to day struggle for a lot of us. We often spend twice as much time getting back and forth, as we do on the meeting itself, but we can't not go, since our presence is required. If only there was a way, to attend the meetings across town, from the comfort of your own office... Impossible, right? Not anymore!
The Idea Wall by Hoylu is a prime, innovative tool which delivers platform solutions to enable powerful collaboration and highly effective digital workspaces. The Idea Wall is the critical tool of the modern workplace that allows you to work together with colleagues and partners across sites, cities and even countries in real time. From a laptop, tablet or the Idea Wall itself, you can connect with other devices and thus work virtually together, solving issues, brainstorming or updating plans in matter of minutes –all without leaving your office.
Can you imagine the amount of time that frees up? Not only can the Idea Wall help your company save money, you can actually start to increase your revenue, since the same number of employees will now be able to get more work done.
With this piece of tech, you can achieve your goals faster than before using processes you already use, simply updated with collaboration tools equipped for the digital age. In todays world it’s all about adapting to change and optimizing both your employees and the tools they have, in order to succeed and beat the competition.