When you say ‘office environment’ most people automatically think of temperature, and that is definitely important -we even wrote an article about it which you can read here. But in addition to the room temperature, humidity is also an important factor within the workspace.
Humidity vs. productivity
With regards to humidity, if it is too high or too low, it can cause discomfort such as excessive perspiration, difficulties with breathing, sore eyes, dry throat, itchy or dry skin and a stuffy nose. Generally, not conditions that improves productivity, but on the contrary inhibits the work effort and demotivates even the most passionate team of employees.

The ideal humidity levels
In general, the humidity levels should be between 40 and 60 percent, both at home and at the office. Air that is too dry is unpleasant, but air that is too damp is no fun at the office either. If no aircon system has been installed then it is high time to invest in one. Mechanical ventilation is absolutely essential in order to efficiently regulate the air refreshment cycle and keep the humidity under control. Another “easy fix” are plants; plants in office spaces can help to balance the humidity. And they are aesthetically pleasing too.
Data to back it up
Should you be concerned about the humidity levels in your office? If you want to guarantee maximum comfort and therefore productivity amongst your staff then absolutely! With our discreet ActiWell device, you will have all critical data for humidity as well as temperature, noise and air-quality and can demonstrate to your employees that their well-being is your top priority and you’ll have an exact overview of the entire office in a heartbeat.