To become successful with clients and any Service Delivery one needs to have a robust method of communication and an even more robust system that keeps the backup of emails with quick availability of any old conversation or attachments. This is a high-risk area if we don’t review how secure our current service delivery communication method is. Data that is email and SharePoint based is extremely integral to the company, so it’s important to have safety measures in place to make sure this data is backed up. Today's case study highlights the difficulties and consequences an actual Dubai based company faced in what we call, a modern-day corporate horror story.
How it all began
Our case study begins when one of our IT engineers approached said company and spoke to them about the importance of data backup, especially in a corporate environment. Our engineer spoke to them about Datto SaaS and how the software specialises in backing up an organisation's data. However, as they were using Microsoft 365 for business, they were confident in the cloud service's ability to act as a backup service for all their data. However, what they were unaware of was the fact that Microsoft 365 permanently delete everything stored in its cloud after 90 days. Then one day, an unfortunate event occurred where an employee deleted all the company's data. They turned to Microsoft 365 but then they realised that they were only able to recover data within the last 90 days. They were then left with the dilemma of the majority of their data being completely lost and irrecoverable. Said company then approached us at IT serve and requested for a solution. However, at that point, the damage was already done and there was nothing that could be done about the lost data. Our IT Engineer then explained to them the importance of a completely dedicated cloud backup software and how it would have helped and completely restored all the lost data in a few simple steps. The company then agreed to install and use Datto SaaS cloud services to never let the same consequences arise if a similar situation were to occur again in the future.
The consequences
Besides racing to recover whatever information they can, the company will also face other potential consequences. Besides that, a lot of the work that company staff may have put hours working on would also have been completely lost. This will require employees to work on the same projects, files, documents that they had worked on before again. This will reduce overall employee morale and productivity as they would have to repeat the same tasks again and feel that all the work they did before was for nothing. Lastly, there may be other additional costs that might incur due to the entire data wipe. These would simply be unnecessary costs to the business.
With Datto SaaS cloud services, your company will have data stored for a lifetime. What's more, is the fact that the service is affordable and can be used through a monthly subscription and caters to companies big and small. You can find out much more about why a service like Datto SaaS is so important for businesses by reading our other blog, 'The cloud isn't people proof.'