Is the nine-to-five routine leaving you drained and unfocused? Try these simple tips for staying energized and focused at work, from healthier snacking to regular ‘exercise’ breaks.
With a hectic schedule and imminent deadlines hanging over us, health can sometimes be the last thing on our mind while we’re working. And as most of us with a desk job will know, spending hours sitting still (often with sugary snacks within easy reach) can take a toll on our wellbeing.
So how can we be better and feel better? Incorporating small, realistic changes to your everyday routine can make all the difference. We've compiled our top tips, from taking a walk to preparing healthy snacks.

Kick-start a busy day with a satisfying breakfast that will power you through until lunch. As well as keeping you energized, it can also help you to resist a sugar craving or caffeine fix. You don’t have to get up super early to make a delicious breakfast, you can always prepare some overnight oats and just toss some fresh fruit and/or berries on top. If you’re not a morning person at all and generally don’t eat much in the AM, you can opt for a refreshing smoothie and grab it to go and enjoy it on your way to work. Find more feel-good breakfast inspiration right here

It's often easy to lose track of how much water you're drinking -or simply forgetting to drink any at all! However, even mild levels of dehydration (losing just 1% of your body weight in fluid) can lead to fatigue and headaches; definitely not what you need on a busy work day. Signs of dehydration may include thirst, passing dark-colored urine, feeling dizzy or having a dry mouth and lips. Although individual needs vary, it is recommended that we on average drink 6-8 glasses per day. If you find plain water boring, you can always add a little taste by dropping a few slices of lemon or cucumber into your bottle -it looks great too. A lot of fruit and vegetables are also good sources of water: oranges, grapefruit, grapes, watermelon, apples and cucumbers can help keep you healthy and hydrated. Pro tip: set the alarm on your computer or phone to remind you to drink water every 30 mins.

One of the most important things you can do during the day to stay healthy and focused is to exercise. You can take a walk during lunch or even have “walking-meetings”; whatever you choose, it’s important that you get up and walk around at least twice a day. Not only will walking burn calories, but it also helps you to de-stress and refresh your mind.
Perhaps find a “walking-partner” whom you can depend on for a daily walk; someone who will drag you out even if you claim you're too busy. If you really can't go for a short walk during the day, then simply park further away than you normally do so you have a short walk to work in the morning and evening and make it a habit to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Sugary snacks will give you an instant energy rush, but this can often be followed by a slump (and cravings for yet another biscuit). While we're all in favor of the occasional treat, there are plenty of healthier options that are just as tasty and won't mess with your blood sugar levels quite so much. To fight of the afternoon-cravings, eat a piece of fruit which will provide valuable vitamins, minerals and fibers or snack on some carrot/cucumber/celery sticks (maybe even dip them in humus… you’ll forget all about the bag of crisps in your drawer!).
If you have a serious sweet tooth, you can go for something like a piece of crispbread with peanut butter and bananas -if you haven’t tried this before, get ready to be amazed!

Sometimes a little motivation can go a long way and is all you need to ‘get up and running’. Fitness watches, trackers and apps offer a convenient way to monitor your movement and helps to keep you on track according to your daily goals, be it drinking water, walking around or something else. If you have an Iphone, you already have a little helper in the pre-installed “Health” app which monitors your daily steps and can assist you with everything from mindfulness to sleep patterns. Other than that, there is a never-ending supply of various apps that can remind you to drink water, take a walk, stand up and stretch, eat food or whatever you need a little nudge to remember, so explore the app store and find your favorite.
If you invest in a fitness watch, just know, that it can get pretty addictive to check your steps and see the progress you’ve made since you started -before you know it, the entire office will be competing about who walked the most steps and who prepared the yummiest healthy snacks.