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The Idea Wall by Hoylu is perfect for creative and productive teamwork designed for any size enterprise. It’s available on different devices as well as the Idea Wall itself and helps to empower teams to work faster and better than ever before, bringing your vision to life in less time by providing your teams with the critical tools they need to collaborate today.

Collaboration improves teamwork between internal and external partners including suppliers, customers and business partners, who can then effectively connect with relevant subject matter experts, improving relationships and business opportunities.

With collaboration tools like the Idea Wall by Hoylu, teams can meet, discuss, and make decisions with speed and accuracy, and now everything will happen in one place, vastly reducing the need for teams to send long email threads with clunky attachments, or waste time in endless meetings or even spending time on the roads to get to these meetings.


We already know how important teamwork is for productivity and success. There are whole fields of academic studies dedicated to the importance of teamwork and there are endless corporate case studies showing that effective teamwork leads to better business success.

Time Management

The Idea Wall by Hoylu allows a company to bring multi-location teams together by connecting the Idea Wall with multiple laptops and tablets across borders in real time, and thereby helping to faster identify solutions, brainstorm ideas, gain critical insights and eliminating misunderstandings.


It’s a known fact that innovative collaboration techniques improve productivity across local and global teams, and that process and networking tools can improve productivity by 20-30%.

Connect With Us

Address: 203, Sultan Business Center, Oud Metha,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. P.O. Box 72130

Tel : +971 4 3737911

Email : info@it-serve.com